Neural Network

Note: Neural Network Analysis is performed in a Visual C++ program called "DataXplore".

RBFLN stands for radial basis functional link network. This method uses a training dataset of "deposit" and "non-deposits" combined. This is a type of supervised classification.
The fuzzy clustering method finds clusters of unique conditions in the evidential themes and does not use training data (unsupervised).

Setting Analysis Parameters

  1. Select 'Set Analysis Parameters...' from the ArcSDM2 menu.
  2. It is required that a "non-deposit" training point shapefile theme exists before this process can be completed. One way to create a "non-deposits' training set, is to use the 'Generate Random Training Points' function.
  3. Check the RBFLN (Supervised) and/or Fuzzy Clustering (Unsupervised) options listed under 'Neural Network Analysis'.
  4. Select:
  5. Click OK.
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