46th CBG
The Congress comprises 11 large areas, divided into 37 thematic symposia and 14 technical-scientific sessions. Up to 51 activities address specific topics and allow the submission of contributions.
Deadline April 8th 2012
23/03/2012- 16:36 pm
"A obra de Aziz Nacib Ab'Sáber”, 2010. See the electronic addresswww.editorabeca.com.br
23/03/2012- 13:40 pm
Call for papers for Volume 9
New contributions are wellcome for the 2012 volume of Terræ.
Deadline June 30th 2012
Ricardo Castillo
Lecturer, Dept. of Geography, State University of Campinas (Unicamp), castillo@ige.unicamp.br
Vitor Pires Vencovsky
PhD, Dept. of Geography, State University of Campinas (Unicamp), vitor@ferroviaesociedade.com.br
Vanderlei Braga
MSc, Dept. of Geography, State University of Campinas (Unicamp), vand@unicamp.br
As from the middle of the 1990s, in the wake of neo-liberal policies and of the programs of the partial denationalization of the means of transport and communications in Brazil, a new railroad system has made its appearance, a result of the combination of, on one hand, the reorganization of the old network, functioning as a concession to private companies and, on the other, the implantation of a new network. The expansion of the lines and the topology of the new rail yards are due directly to the influence of modern agricultural production in areas of the Cerrado biome. As a consequence of this new regulatory mechanism, the relationships between railroad and territory and between railroad and the cities have changed radically and the Brazilian railroad system has become a lucrative business at the service of a few agents and a few economic activities and has ceased to be a public service favoring a socially broader spatial mobility.
logistics, railroad, logistic node, Cerrado, competitive agricultural region
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