Program & Abstracts

June 25th
Participants' arrival in Campinas
June 26th
June 27th
June 28th
June 29th
July 2nd
Optional field trip (see "Field Trip")
Monday, June 26
Impacts influence on subsurface habitability
9:00 AM
Introduction to workshop
Alvaro P. Crósta, Rosaly M. C. Lopes, Catherine Neish
9:15 AM
Veronica Bray
University of Arizona, USA
Subsurface-to-surface material exchange as a result of impact cratering
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
Alvaro P. Crósta
State University of Campinas, Brazil
Large impacts on icy bodies and habitability: The case of Menrva crater on Titan
11:00 AM
Steve Vance
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA/Caltech, USA
Impact foundering and material transport through ice shells of various compositions
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
Impacts into icy worlds and their surface expression
1:30 PM
Elizabeth Silber
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Advancements in hydrocode modeling of impact crater formation processes on icy worlds
2:15 PM
Shigeru Wakita
Purdue University, USA
Impact melt pools as potentially habitable places on Titan
2:45 PM
3:00 PM
Kate Craft
Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
Impact melt induced fracture propagation on ocean worlds
3:30 PM
Jahnavi Shah
University of Western Ontario, Canada
The impact cratering process on Titan: implications for surface age and erosion on Titan
4:00 PM
Nadine de Campos
State University of Campinas, Brazil
A new look at the geomorphological classification of impact craters on dwarf planet Ceres
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
Tuesday, June 27
Titan as a habitable world
9:00 AM
Rosaly Lopes
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA/Caltech, USA
Habitability of Hydrocarbon Worlds
9:30 AM
Catherine Neish
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Impact Cratering as an Astrobiological Process on Titan
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
Jason Soderblom
Massachusetts Institute of Technology/School of Science, USA
The Selk Impact Crater as Revealed by Cassini Observations
11:00 AM
Ralph Lorenz
Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
Exploration of the Selk Impact Structure on Titan by the Dragonfly Rotorcraft
11:45 AM
Conor Nixon
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
Terrestrial Field Sites for Titan Analog Studies
12:15 PM
12:30 PM
2:00 PM
5:00 PM
Wednesday, June 28
Impact craters as habitats
9:00 AM
Mike Malaska
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA/Caltech, USA
The astrobiological potential for ice microhabitats in Ocean World crater melt sheets
9:45 AM
Douglas Galante
National Synchrotron Laboratory, Brazil
Applications of Synchrotron Techniques in Astrobiology: Analyzing Ancient Fossils to Unravel Biosignatures and Extraterrestrial Life
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
Lauren Stone
Western University, Canada
The astrobiological potential of Martian craters: Effect of meteorite impacts on the habitability of basalt
11:00 AM
Gabriel Silva
University of São Paulo, Brazil
Growth of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans on impact-altered rocks and mineral deposition
11:30 AM
Jesse Noest
Vrije University, The Netherlands
Preliminary stable isotope results of hydrothermal calcite in Vargeão Dome and implications for Mars