About us

Laboratory of Studies on Research Organization and Innovation (Lab-GEOPI)

It was founded in 1995 and counts on professors, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students and collaborators from the Department of Science and Technology Policy (DPCT), the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA) and the Center for Public Policy Studies (NEPP), all from Unicamp, besides researchers from several organizations in Brazil and abroad.


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Our areas of work

Extension Courses

Our Courses

Veja mais informações sobre os cursos de extensão oferecidos pelo Lab-GEOPI, gerenciados pela Escola de Extensão da Unicamp (Extecamp).

Evaluation Course

Evaluation of Results and Impacts of Research, Development, and Innovation (I+D+i)

Prospecting course

Foresight & Beyond: Foresight, Prioritization and Decision Making Support

A laboratory of excellence at Unicamp

Unicamp is responsible for 8% of the academic research in Brazil, 12% of the national post-graduation courses and is the leader among Brazilian universities in the number of patents and articles per capita published annually in journals indexed in the ISI/WoS database. The University has approximately 34 thousand students enrolled in 66 undergraduate courses and 153 graduate programs. There are three units involved in GEOPI: IG, FCA and NEPP.