Coping with Change in the Economy: New Technologies, Organisational Innovation and Economies of Scale and Scope in the Brazilian Engineering Industry.

Coping with Change in the Economy: New Technologies, Organisational Innovation and Economies of Scale and Scope in the Brazilian Engineering Industry. QUADROS, R.. Texto para Discussão (IPEA), v. 59, p. 7-69, 2015.

Autores: Ruy de Quadros Carvalho.


Paper prepared for The United Nations University Institute for New Technologies. A first version was presented at the UNU/INTECH Workshop on New Technologies, Economies of Scale and Scope, and Location of Production in Developing Countries, Maastricht, 5-6 September 1994.This study is part of a broader research project on new tecnologies and economies of scale and scope. Which comprises six country studies and coordenated and supported by UNU/INTECH. I would like to acknowledge Ludovico Alcorta, project coordinator, for his valuable suggestions throughout the realisation of the survey and the preparation of this paper. I am also grateful to Jorge Katz for helpful comments to the earlier draft, and to Eliane Rosandisky and Noela Invernizzi, from DPCT/Unicamp, for their assistance in data collection and revision of the literature on the Brazilian engineering industry.

PALAVRAS CHAVE: New Technologies, Brazilian Engineering Industry.


O Laboratório de Gestão de Tecnologia e Inovação – LabGETI reúne o grupo de professores, pesquisadores e alunos do Departamento de Política Científica e Tecnológica – DPCT da UNICAMP e de instituições colaboradoras que tem como objetivo contribuir para o avanço da pesquisa e do conhecimento sobre os processos de gestão, organização e governança da P&D e da inovação tecnológica em empresas de negócios e instituições de C&T no Brasil e outros países emergentes, com ênfase em sua relação com as estratégias competitivas, de crescimento e de globalização.



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