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The project is structured around four main research fronts:

a) Connecting funding to research impacts

It seeks to develop methodologies that allow connecting research funding and its results with its uses and impacts on society.

Coordination – Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho

b) New ways of prioritizing, selecting and deciding on research funding

It aims to discuss and test different ways of selecting investments in research and innovation in funding agencies (in addition to peer review).

Coordination – Adriana Bin

c) Professional trajectories and mobility of researchers

It will identify and trace work trajectories and the mobility dynamics of researchers, mainly taking into account the returns – individual and collective (economic, social and cultural) – of investments in the training of highly qualified professionals.

Coordination – Ana Maria Alves Carneiro da Silva

d) Indicators and analysis methodologies of higher education institutions (HEIs) and Science and Technology Institutions (STIs)

It intends to develop new typologies of higher education institutions and more accurate research in relation to the characteristics of these institutions in their composition and nature, as well as what they deliver to society (training, research, extension, among other aspects).

Coordination – Simon Schwartzman