The GEO TOGETHER session is a new concept in the presentation format of the scientific papers in the poster format, designed by the Organizing Committee of the VIII GeoScied / VIII EnsinoGEO, making the presentations in poster format more attractive and stimulating the debate and exchange of experiences among the scientific papers of same theme.
Each group will consist of a maximum of 6 posters, grouped by a single theme, and with the support of a moderator who will instigate the participants to discuss the different researches exposed in the scientific papers, thus bringing a deeper discussion about the theme.
The sessions will last 60 minutes, allowing the participants to circulate among the different groups, attending to the topics of their greatest interest. We will have 3 poster sessions during the VIII GeoScied / VIII EnsinoGEO, all concentrated at the end of each day’s schedule.
The GEO TOGETHER sessions will be held in the lobby of the Institute of Geosciences Building, a few meters from the Convention Center, just after the coffee break, which will be held in the same place. At the end of the sessions, cultural presentations are being organized by the committee. Participants will also have contact with the Dinosaur Exhibition, which will be accessible during the event.