The second to last edition of the “Technology Upgrading and Economic Catch-Up” online workshop series will discuss innovation policy and its implications for technology upgrading. The event is taking place on March 25, from 9am to 11am (São Paulo, Brazil local time). The workshop series is the result of a joint effort between the São Paulo Excellence Chair program InSysPo (Innovation Systems, Strategies and Policy), part of the Department of Science and Technology Policy, University of Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil), and other leading institutions in innovations studies from all over the world.
The next edition explores different facets of innovation policies for technology upgrading in the context of changing policy philosophies evolving from import substitution earlier on and the Washington consensus policies more recently to the pandemic/post-pandemic context of today. Some of the questions to be addressed are: how countries can reshape the nature of the existing value chains and innovation networks dominated by foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs)? How to set initiatives and programs to use Global Value Chains (GVCs) as levers for local technology accumulation? What are the limits of GVC-only technology upgrading policies? Finally, how should policymakers go about implementing new policy? You can check the whole list of topics and speakers by clicking here. The event is hosted online through the video conferencing platform Zoom, with a live stream on Youtube.
Besides InSysPo, the series is co-organized by the Institute for International Science and Technology Policy (George Washington University), the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies – University College London, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (National Research University/Higher School of Economics), and Seoul National University.
This series of workshops explores the major issues related to the technology upgrading of emerging and catching up economies. It discusses the state-of-the-art understanding of the issues around technology upgrading and economic catch-up, exploring country, sector and firm-level issues based on a variety of country experiences.
The background for the presentations are contributions in the forthcoming Oxford University Press volume “The Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-Up in Emerging Economies” edited by Jeong-Dong Lee (Seoul National University), Keun Lee (Seoul National University), Dirk Meissner (Higher School of Economics – NRU), Slavo Radosevic (University College London), and Nicholas Vonortas (George Washington University/University of Campinas).
You can watch the full video of the first three editions below: