Publications by Researchers

Vonortas, N. S.

Furtado, A. T.

Salles-Filho, S.L.M.

Queiroz, S. R. R.

Bin, A.

Fischer, B. B.
Nicholas S. Vonortas
Peer Reviewed Journals
Alves, A. C., Fischer, B. B., Vonortas, N. S. (2021). Ecosystems of entrepreneurship: configurations and critical dimensions. The Annals of Regional Science. Ahead of print. DOI:
Lee, J.D., Lee, K., Meissner, D., Radosevic, S., Vonortas, N. S. (2020). Local capacity, innovative entrepreneurial places and global connections: an overview. Journal of Technology Transfer. Ahead of print. DOI:
Yoon, J.; Vonortas, N. S., Han, S. W. (2020). Do-It-Yourself laboratories and attitude toward use: The effects of self-efficacy and the perception of security and privacy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 159, 1-11.
Lai, Y., Vonortas, N. S. (2020). Returnee academic entrepreneurship in China. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Ahead of print. DOI:
Alves, A. C., Vonortas, N. S., Zawislak, P. A. (2020). Mission-Oriented Policy and the Fuzzy Boundaries of Market Creation: The Brazilian Shipbuilding Case. Science and Public Policy. Ahead of print. DOI:
Min, J. Y., Kim, Y. J., Vonortas, N. S. (2020). Public Technology Transfer, Commercialization and Business Growth. European Economic Review, 124, 1-27.
Silva, D. R. M., Lucas, L. O., Vonortas, N. S. (2020). Internal Barriers to Innovation and University-Industry Cooperation among Technology-based SMEs in Brazil. Industry and Innovation, 27(3), 235-263.
Scott, T. J., Vonortas, N. S. (2019). Microgravity Protein Crystallization for Drug Development: A Bold Example of Public Sector Entrepreneurship. Journal of Technology Transfer, forthcoming.
Lai, Y., Vonortas, N. S. (2019). Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in China. Industrial and Corporate Change, 28(4), 875-897.
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P. R., Vonortas, N. S. (2019). Evolution of University-Industry Collaboration in Brazil from a Technology Upgrading Perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 330-340.
Yoon, J., Han, S.-W., Kim, Y.-J., Vonortas, N. S. (2019). A Moderated Mediation Model of Technology Roadmapping and Innovation: Roles of Corporate Foresight and Organizational Support. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 52, 61-73.
Bosch, A., Vonortas, N. S. (2019). Smart Specialization as a Tool to Foster Innovation in Emerging Economies: Lessons from Brazil. Foresight and STI Governance, 13(1), 35-47.
Min, J.-W., Kim, Y.-J., Vonortas, N. S. (2019). Commercialization of Transferred Public Technologies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 138, 10-20.
Alves, A. C., Fischer, B. B., Vonortas, N. S., Queiroz, S. (2019). Configurations of Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: An Assessment of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 59(4), 242-257.
Kostopoulos, K. C., Spanos, Y., Soderquist, K. E., Prastacos, G., Vonortas, N. S. (2019). Market, Firm and Project-Level Effects on the Innovation Impact of Collaborative R&D Projects. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 10, 1384-1403.
Meceda, A., Vonotas, N. S. (2018). The Singular Economy: End of the Digital/Physical Divide. STI Policy Review, 9(1), 1-25.
Kergroach, S., Meissner, D., Vonortas, N. S. (2018). Technology Transfer and Commercialization by Universities and PRIs: Benchmarking OECD Country Policy Approaches. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 27(5-6), 510-530.
Yoon, J., Kim, Y.-J., Han, S.-W., Vonortas, N. S. (2018). Corporate Foresight and Innovation: The Effects of Integrative Capabilities and Organizational Learning. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 30(6), 633-645.
Fischer, B. B., Queiroz, S., Vonortas, N. S. (2018). On the Location of Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Lessons from São Paulo, Brazil. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 30(5-6), 612-638.
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P. R., Vonortas, N. S., Queiroz, S. (2018). Quality Comes First: University-Industry Collaboration as a Source of Academic Entrepreneurship in a Developing Country. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(2), 263-284.
Silva, D. R. M., Furtado, A. T., Vonortas, N. S. (2018). University-Industry R&D Cooperation in Brazil: A Sectoral Approach. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(2), 285-315.
Meissner, D., Polt, W., Vonortas, N. S. (2017). Towards A Broad Understanding of Innovation – Implications for Innovation Policy. Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(5), 1184-1211.
Protogerou, A., Caloghirou, Y., Vonortas, N. S. (2017). Determinants of Young Firms’ Innovative Performance: Empirical Evidence from Europe. Research Policy, 46(7), 1312-1326.
Miles, I., Meissner, D., Vonortas, N. S., Carayannis, E. (2017). Technology Foresight in Transition. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 119, 211-218.
Feige, D., Vonortas, N. S. (2017). Context Appropriate Technologies for Development: Choosing for the Future. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 119, 219-226.
Cin, B., Kim, Y.-J., Vonortas, N. S. (2017). The Impact of Government R&D Subsidy on Firm Performance: Evidence from Korean SMEs. Small Business Economics, 48(2), 345-360.
Edited Special Issues in Journals
Boschma, R., Fischer, B. B., Meissner, D., Vonortas, N. S. (2021). Special Issue Call for Papers: Global Value Chains and Regional Systems of Innovation: Towards a Critical Juncture? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, forthcoming.
Meissner, D., Sarpong, D., Vonortas, N. S. (2019). Innovation in State-Owned Enterprises: Implications for Technology Management and Industrial Development. Industry and Innovation, 26(2), 121-126.
Vonortas, N. S. (2018). International Perspectives on Innovation: Introduction. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(2), 259-262.
Jeong-Dong Lee, Keun Lee, Dirk Meissner, Slavo Radosevic and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds). Technology Upgrading and Economic Catch-Up: Challenges for Emerging Economies. Oxford University Press, 2021. (More information here)
Book Chapters
Lee, J.D., Lee, K., Meissner, D., Radosevic, S., Vonortas, N. S. Technology Upgrading and Economic Catch-Up: A Context, Overview and Conclusions. In: Jeong-Dong Lee, Keun Lee, Dirk Meissner, Slavo Radosevic and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds). Technology Upgrading and Economic Catch-Up: Challenges for Emerging Economies. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Alves, A. C., Vonortas, N. S., Zawislak, P. A. Macro and Micro Foundations for Technology Upgrading and Innovation: The Case of Shipbuilding and Offshore Industry in Brazil. In: Jeong-Dong Lee, Keun Lee, Dirk Meissner, Slavo Radosevic and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds). Technology Upgrading and Economic Catch-Up: Challenges for Emerging Economies. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Vonortas, N. S. United States of America” (With Brennan Hoban and Connor Rabb). In: UNESCO Science Report 2021. Geneva: UNESCO, 2021.
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P. R., Vonortas, N. S. Technology Upgrading and Knowledge Triangle in Brazil. In J. Kutsminow, L. Gokhberg, M. Cervantes, S. Schwar-Steger and D. Meissner (eds.). Knowledge Triangle. Switzerland: Springer, forthcoming.
Yoon, J., Kim, Y.-J., Vonortas, N. S., Han, S.-W. (2019). Corporate Foresight and Innovation: The Effects of Integrative Capabilities and Organizational Learning. In David Sarpong and Dirk Meissner (eds.), Corporate Foresight and Innovation Management, Routledge.
Caloghirou, Y., Prorogerou, A., Vonortas, N. S. (2018). Effects of University Research Exposure on Young Company Behavior and Performance. In E. Erdil, D. Meissner and J. Chataway (eds.). Innovation and the Entrepreneurial University. Switzerland: Springer.
Invited Articles
Vonortas, N. S. (2017). The Role of Universities in the Knowledge Triangle. Foresight and STI Governance, 11(2), 6-8.
André Tosi Furtado
Peer Reviewed Journals
Garcia, C., Inácio, Jr. E., Gardim, N., Yanchao, L., Furtado, A. T. (2020). The influence of user-supplier relationship on innovation dynamics of Oil and Gas industry. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 32(2), 119-132.
Mesquita, F. C., Furtado, A. T. (2018). Globalização e Relações Territoriais na Agricultura: particularidades na expansão da soja e da cana-de-açúcar no Estado de Goiás. Geographia (UFF), 20 (43), 71-85.
Furtado, R. C., Abreu, L. S., Furtado, A. T. (2018). Sistemas Agroflorestais: a experiência de uma cooperativa de agricultores familiares em Bragança Paulista, SP. Cadernos de Ciência & Tecnologia, 35(3), 427-451.
Lara-Rodriguez, J. S., Furtado, A. T., Altimiras-Martin, A. (2018). Materias primas críticas y complejidad económica en América Latina. Apuntes del CENES, 37(65), 15-51.
Silva, D. R. M., Furtado, A. T., Vonortas, N. S. (2018). University-Industry R&D Cooperation in Brazil: A Sectoral Approach. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(2), 285-315.
Gielfi, G. G., Furtado, A. T., Campos, A. S., Tijssen, R. (2017). University-industry research collaboration in the Brazilian oil industry: the case of Petrobras. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 16(2), 325-350.
Silva, D. R. M., Furtado, A. T. (2017). Modelos teóricos e interesses de mensuração no surgimento da pesquisa de inovação brasileira (Pintec). Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 16(1), 97-128.
Mesquita, F. C., Furtado, A. T. (2016). Expansão da agroindústria canavieira e qualificação da mão-de-obra em Goiás (2006-2013). Sociedade & Natureza (UFU. Online), 28(1), 67-81.
Book Chapters
Pellegrini, F., Campos, A. S., Chagas, M. F., Furtado, A. (2017). “De Alfinete a Foguete”: A Lei 8.666 como arcabouço jurídico no programa China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) – Um estudo de caso do fornecimento da Câmera Multiexpectral Regular (MUX) pela Optoeletrônica (Opto). In A. T. Rauen (eds.). Políticas de Inovação pelo lado da Demanda no Brasil. 1 ed. Brasília: IPEA, 289-327.
Furtado, A. T. (2016). Low Carbon Energy Innovations Systems in Natural Resource Rich Developing Countries: The Case of Brazil. In L. Al-Hakim, X. Wu, A. Koronios and Y. Shou (eds.). Handbook of Research on Driving Competitive Advantage through Sustainable, Lean, and Disruptive Innovation. 1 ed. Hershey: IGI Global, 1, 227-242.
Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles-Filho
Peer Reviewed Journals
Bin, A., Gavira, M. O., Figueira, J. B., Carvalho, T. M. B., Salles-Filho, S. L. M., Colugnati, F. (2018). Profile of academic entrepreneurship in Brazil. Innovation & Management Review, 15(4), 394-415.
Bonilla, K., Salles-Filho, S. L. M., Bin, A. (2018). Building Science, Technology, and Research Capacity in Developing Countries: Evidence from student mobility and international cooperation between Korea and Guatemala. STI Policy Review, 9, 99-132.
Bomtempo, D., Dezolt, E. R., Santos, R. M., Salles-Filho, S. L. M., Bin, A., Franco, F. L. (2018). Biodiversidade: as oportunidades do uso econômico e sustentável. 1 ed. Brasília: Confederação Nacional da Indústria.
Salles-Filho, S. L. M., Cortez, L. A. B., Silveira, J. M. F. J., Trindade, S. C. (eds.). (2016). Global Bioethanol: evolution, risks and uncertainties. London: Elsevier.
Books Chapters
Bin, A., Salles-Filho, S., Colugnati, F., Campos, F. (2016). The added value of researchers: impacts of doctorate holders to economic development. In L. Auriol, L. Gokhnerg and N. Shmatko (eds.). The Science and Technology Labor Force: The Value of Doctorate Holders and Development of Professional Careers. Springer book series ‘Science, Technology and Innovation Studies.
Salles-Filho, S. L. M., Bin, A., Castro, P. F. D., Ferro, A. F. P., Corder, S. (2016). Innovation in the Brazilian Bioethanol Sector: Questioning Leadership. In S. L. M. Salles-Filho, L. A. B. Cortez, J. M. F. J. Silveira and S. C. Trindade (eds.). Global Bioethanol: evolution, risks and uncertainties. 1ed. London: Elsevier, 122-141.
Salles-Filho, S. L. M. (2016). Conclusions: Futures of Bioethanol? Main Findings and Prospects. In S. L. M. Salles-Filho, L. A. B. Cortez, J. M. F. J. Silveira and S. C. Trindade (eds.). Global Bioethanol: evolution, risks and uncertainties. 1ed. London: Elsevier, 238-248.
Sérgio Robles Reis de Queiroz
Peer Reviewed Journals
Alves, A. C., Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P., Queiroz, S. (2019). Determinants of student entrepreneurship: An assessment on higher education institutions in Brazil. Innovation & Management Review, 16(2), 96-117.
Alves, A. C., Fischer, B. B., Vonortas, N. S., Queiroz, S. (2019). Configurations of Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: An Assessment of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 59(4), 242-257.
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P., Queiroz, S. (2018). High-growth entrepreneurship in a developing country: Regional systems or stochastic process? Contaduria y Administracion, 64(1), 1-23.
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P. R., Vonortas, N. S., Queiroz, S. (2018). Quality Comes First: University-Industry Collaboration as a Source of Academic Entrepreneurship in a Developing Country. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(2), 263-284.
Fischer, B. B., Queiroz, S., Vonortas, N. S. (2018). On the Location of Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Lessons from São Paulo, Brazil. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 30(5-6), 612-638.
Schaeffer, P. R., Fischer, B. B., Queiroz, S. (2018). Beyond Education: The Role of Research Universities in Innovation Ecosystems. Foresight and STI Governance, 12(2), 50-61.
Fischer, B. B., Queiroz, S. (2016). On the Mediating Role of Systemic Absorptive Capacity: An Assessment of FDI Effects in Developing Countries’ Innovation Systems. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 15(2), 193-218.
Adriana Bin
Peer Reviewed Journals
Bin, A., Gavira, M. O., Figueira, J. B., Carvalho, T. M. B., Salles-Filho, S. L. M., Colugnati, F. (2018). Profile of academic entrepreneurship in Brazil. Innovation & Management Review, 15(4), 394-415.
Bonilla, K., Salles-Filho, S. L. M., Bin, A. (2018). Building Science, Technology, and Research Capacity in Developing Countries: Evidence from student mobility and international cooperation between Korea and Guatemala. STI Policy Review, 9, 99-132.
Salles-Filho, S. L. M., Castro, P. F. D., Bin, A., Edquist, C., Ferro, A. F. P., Corder, S. (2017). Perspectives for the Brazilian bioethanol sector: The innovation driver. Energy Policy, 108, 70-77.
Book Chapters
Bin, A., Salles-Filho, S., Colugnati, F., Campos, F. (2016). The added value of researchers: impacts of doctorate holders to economic development. In L. Auriol, L. Gokhnerg and N. Shmatko (eds.). The Science and Technology Labor Force: The Value of Doctorate Holders and Development of Professional Careers. Springer book series ‘Science, Technology and Innovation Studies.
Salles-Filho, S. L. M., Bin, A., Castro, P. F. D., Ferro, A. F. P., Corder, S. (2016). Innovation in the Brazilian Bioethanol Sector: Questioning Leadership. In S. L. M. Salles-Filho, L. A. B. Cortez, J. M. F. J. Silveira and S. C. Trindade (eds.). Global Bioethanol: evolution, risks and uncertainties. 1ed. London: Elsevier, 122-141.
Bruno Brandão Fischer
Peer Reviewed Journals
Alves, A. C., Fischer, B. B., Vonortas, N. S. (2021). Ecosystems of entrepreneurship: configurations and critical dimensions. The Annals of Regional Science. Ahead of print. DOI:
Alves, A. C., Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P., Queiroz, S. (2019). Determinants of student entrepreneurship: An assessment on higher education institutions in Brazil. Innovation & Management Review, 16(2), 96-117.
Alves, A. C., Fischer, B. B., Vonortas, N. S., Queiroz, S. (2019). Configurations of Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: An Assessment of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 59(4), 242-257.
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P. R., Vonortas, N. S. (2019). Evolution of University-Industry Collaboration in Brazil from a Technology Upgrading Perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 330-340.
Scorsatto, F., Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P. (2019). Universidades e a Dinâmica Locacional do Empreendedorismo Acadêmico: Uma Abordagem para o Estado de São Paulo. REGEPE, 8(3), 134-165.
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P., Queiroz, S. (2018). High-growth entrepreneurship in a developing country: Regional systems or stochastic process? Contaduria y Administracion, 64(1), 1-23.
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P., Phaiffer, J. (2018). Universities’ Gravitational Effects on The Location of Knowledge-Intensive Investments in Brazil. Science and Public Policy, 45(5), 692-707.
Fischer, B. B., Queiroz, S., Vonortas, N. S. (2018). On the Location of Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Lessons from São Paulo, Brazil. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 30(5-6), 612-638.
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P. R., Vonortas, N. S., Queiroz, S. (2018). Quality Comes First: University-Industry Collaboration as a Source of Academic Entrepreneurship in a Developing Country. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(2), 263-284.
Schaeffer, P., Fischer, B. B., Queiroz, S. (2018). Beyond Education: The Role of Research Universities in Innovation Ecosystems. Foresight and STI Governance, 12(2), 50-61.
Aguiar, H. S., Fischer, B. B., Consoni, F. (2017). Responsabilidade Ambiental, Sinalização e Desempenho Econômico: Uma Análise a Partir do Caso das Franquias. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 11(3), 56-72.
Fischer, B. B., Tello-Gamarra, J. E. (2017). Institutional Quality as a Driver of Efficiency in Laggard Innovation Systems. Revista de Globalizacion, Competitividad y Gobernabilidad, 11(1), 129-144.
Torrecillas, C., Fischer, B. B., Sanchez, A. (2017). The dual role of R&D expenditures in European Union’s member states: short- and long-term prospects. Innovation-The European Journal of Social Science Research, 30(4), 433-454.
Garcia, M. O., Fischer, B. B., Gava, R., Tonelli, D. F. (2016). Reflexões sobre o papel da propriedade intelectual na política de inovação: uma avaliação do caso de Minas Gerais. Qualit@s (UEPB), 17(2), 194-212.
Fischer, B. B., Queiroz, S. (2016). On the Mediating Role of Systemic Absorptive Capacity: An Assessment of FDI Effects in Developing Countries’ Innovation Systems. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 15(2), 193-218.
Fischer, B. B. (2016). Políticas Públicas Municipais e as Dinâmicas de Convergência β no estado de São Paulo. Desafio Online, 4(2), 1-21.
Fischer, B. B., Molero, J. (2015). Transactional dynamics in European R & D networks: an assessment of Eureka. European Journal of Innovation Management, 18(3), 330-354.
Edited Special Issues in Journals
Boschma, R., Fischer, B. B., Meissner, D., Vonortas, N. S. (2021). Special Issue Call for Papers: Global Value Chains and Regional Systems of Innovation: Towards a Critical Juncture? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, forthcoming.
Book chapter
Fischer, B. B., Schaeffer, P. R., Vonortas, N. S. Technology Upgrading and Knowledge Triangle in Brazil. In J. Kutsminow, L. Gokhberg, M. Cervantes, S. Schwar-Steger and D. Meissner (eds.). Knowledge Triangle. Switzerland: Springer, forthcoming.