Post Docs
Juan Carlos Castillo

Alysson Mazoni

Matheus Leite de Campos
Matheus is currently a post-doctoral research fellow in the Innovation Systems, Strategies and Policy project (InSySPo) in the Department of Science and Technology Policy, University of Campinas (UNICAMP). He holds a master degree in Production and Manufacturing Engineering and a PhD in Business Administration, both from UNICAMP. During his PhD he studied the entrepreneurial university ecosystem’s effect on student entrepreneurial intention. His main research interest includes entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Yohanna Juk
Yohanna is currently a post-doctoral research fellow in the Innovation Systems, Strategies and Policy (InSySPo) project in the Department of Science and Technology Policy of the University of Campinas. She holds a master’s degree and a PhD in Public Policies, both from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). During her master’s program and PhD, she mainly focused on agenda-setting and law and political decision making concerning agricultural innovation policies. Her research interests cover innovation policy design, implementation and evaluation.
Former Post Docs

Vanessa de Lima Avanci
PhD in Economics from the Graduate Program in Economics at the Federal Fluminense University (UFF, 2018). Participated in the CAPG-BA program – Associated Centers of Postgraduate Education Brazil-Argentina, funded by CAPES (2016). Holds a Master’s degree in Economics from PPGE-UFF (Niterói, 2014) and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Vitória, 2011). Currently researching in the areas of Industrial and Regional Economics and Innovation Economics with a focus on renewable energies. Proficient in theoretical foundations of Social Network Analysis (SNA) and statistical methods for visualization and analysis of real data networks.

Mariane Santos Françoso
Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at UNESP, Araraquara campus. Postdoctoral research conducted at the Department of Science and Technology Policy at UNICAMP, affiliated with the SPEC InSySPo project (System Innovation: Organizational Strategy, Research and Innovation Policy Governance), funded by FAPESP. PhD in Economics from the Institute of Economics at UNICAMP, with a research stay at the Global South Studies Center at the Universität zu Köln. Experienced in the fields of innovation economics and economic geography. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

Karen Esteves Fernandes Pinto
Currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas, Karen also holds another postdoctoral degree from the InSySPo Project within the university’s Department of Science and Technology Policy, supported by the São Paulo Excellence Chair (SPEC) program of FAPESP. Her PhD and Master’s degrees in Business Administration were earned from the University of São Paulo, focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility and Internationalization. Karen’s academic background includes honors in Literature (German Language and Literature) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), along with certifications in German and English. Her doctoral research on Corporate Social Responsibility and Brazilian multinationals was supported by a FAPESP scholarship, and she participated in a Capes scholarship program in Sweden (Linköping University). Additionally, professional experience includes work as a legal translator for the Federal Court in São Paulo, and involvement in reviewing articles for academic journals.

Alireza Ilbeigi
Alireza has a ‘PhD in Economics and Management’ from the University of Trento. His current research directions are tended and focused on knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship (KIE), science, technology and innovation (STI) networks and STI policy, and social impacts of technology and innovation. The research lines are based on a data-driven, quantitative and applied economics approach. He has also worked as a mentor for start-up projects at Contamination Lab (CLab Trento). He is a recognized regular referee and reviewer for European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR).

André Cherubini Alves
Doctor in Business Administration focused on Management of Technology and Innovation and Master in Operations and Technology Management by PPGA/UFRGS. Associate investigator at the Innovation Research Center (NITEC-UFRGS) and Innovation Systems, Strategy and Policy (InSySPo), Department of Science and Technology Policy at UNICAMP. Professor of Innovation and Strategy at the Sao Paulo School of Business Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Researcher at FGV Innovation Center. André has been a visiting Researcher at the Institute for Business Innovation at the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley. Director at the Silicon Valley Institute for Business Innovation. André has also worked with consultancy projects on Innovation, Strategic Management and Lean production systems. His areas of interest are theory of the firm and innovation capabilities, industrial organization dynamics and innovation ecosystems, knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship and lean innovation systems.
Clément Bert-erboul
Clément holds a PhD and a Masters in economic sociology, both from the University Lille 1 in France at the CNRS Clersé institution. Clément’s areas of research are economic sociology; sociology of organisation; open innovation; social network; web scraping. He is also interested in intellectual property issues such as, free software communities, patent, innovation agreements; and research policy. Clément is part of a project on “Redes de ciência, tecnologia e inovação,” from FAPESP.

Suelene Mascarini de Souza Romero
Suelene was a postdoc researcher in the Department of the Economics at UFSCar (2017-2019) and during three months acted as visiting researcher in Economics and Statistics at the UNITO (2017). In addition, she holds a PhD. in Production Engineering at Polytechnic School at USP (2016), with a scholarship from FAPESP. For six months she held a split PhD at the Department of Economics and Statistics at UNITO, with CAPES scholarship. Suelene also holds a Master Degree in Scientific and Technology Policy at Unicamp (2012), with FAPESP scholarship, and Bachelor in Physics from IFSC-USP (2008). She has collaborated in different research projects through the support for data collection, structuration and analysis in different natures. Her main areas of interest are innovation, competitiveness, geography of innovation, methods of regional analysis, spatial econometrics, and knowledge spillovers.