Other Collaborators

Ana Carolina Spatti
Ana Carolina Spatti is currently a post-doctoral research fellow at the School of Applied Sciences of the University of Campinas (Unicamp). She holds a PhD in Science and Technology Policy, as well as a master’s degree in Applied Human and Social Sciences. Her research interests include university-industry relationships, Technology Transfer Offices, impact evaluation, bibliometrics and altmetrics.

Bernardo Pereira Cabral
Bernardo Pereira Cabral holds a doctorate degree from the Economics Department at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He has a solid background in qualitative research and technology foresight. He is currently a researcher at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Latin America’s biggest public health organization, and an assistant professor at the Faculty of Public Health of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Most of his work includes healthcare and innovation-related topics using qualitative research strategies.

Diego R. de Moraes Silva
Diego R. de Moraes Silva is a PhD Candidate on Science and Technology Policy at the University of Campinas. He received his BSc in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo – USP (2013) and his M.A. in Science and Technology Policy from the University of Campinas – Unicamp (2015). From mid-2016 to mid-2017, he held a visiting scholar position at the Institute for International Science and Technology Policy (IISTP) from the George Washington University (GWU) in the United States. The scholarship for this position was granted jointly by the Fulbright Foundation and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). His main fields of research are: sociology of statistics, policy design and evaluation, science and technology policy, obstacles to innovation, R&D cooperation networks, technological diffusion, and innovation measurement.

Eduardo Albuquerque
Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque is Professor at the Department of Economic Sciences and the Center for Development and Regional Planning (Cedeplar) at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). He has published several papers and books related to topic of Innovation Systems in developing countries. One of the books is “Developing National Systems of Innovation: University–Industry Interactions in the Global South” in partnership with Wilson Suzigan, Glenda Kruss, and Keun Lee. He recently published the book “Metamorphosis of capitalism and process of catch-up” (in Portuguese). Prof. Albuquerque has post-doctorate stage at the King’s College (UK). He holds PhD in Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), MA in Economics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and BA in Economics from University Center Newton Paiva.

Flavia Luciane Consoni
Dra. Flávia L. Consoni is Associate Professor at the Department of Science and Technology Policy at UNICAMP – State University of Campinas, Brazil. She holds a PhD and a M.S. in Science and Technology Policy from the same university and holds a Post-doc in Sociology from the University of Sao Paulo from 2005 to 2008. She has published on technological change and product development activities in the Brazilian automotive industry. Her research interests are focused on innovation strategies and internationalization of R&D towards emerging economies. She is also investigating patterns of adoption of sustainable innovation practices, specially the fuel based on ethanol sugar cane and electric vehicle in Brazil.

Janaina Oliveira Pamplona da Costa
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Science and Technology Policy (DPCT), Institute of Geosciences – UNICAMP, Brazil. I am an economist by training (IE/UNICAMP/Brazil, 1995) and undertook my Master’s degree in Science and Technology Policy Studies at DPCT/UNICAMP. I hold a PhD in Science and Technology Policy Studies from SPRU/University of Sussex (UK) since 2013. At SPRU I worked in research projects funded by ESRC/UK, EPSRC/UK, United Nations University/IDRC, and the European Union. I concluded my postdoctoral research at DPCT/UNICAMP in 2015, which was funded by the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq). Currently I hold a research scholarship from the Brazilian Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA).
My main research interest is in Economics of Innovation, including research in systems of innovation in developing countries, networks of innovators, network governance in high-technology industries and technology policy in developing countries. In addition, I have developed research on the knowledge production and use in Engineering in Brazil. I have published in journals such as the Brazilian Journal of Innovation, Journal of Responsible Innovation and CEPAL Review. I am a referee in Brazilian and international journals (such as, Brazilian Journal of Innovation, Research Policy and Telecommunications Policy).

Márcia Rapini
Márcia Rapini has experience in Economics, with emphasis on Industrial Economics and Economics of Science and Technology, working mainly on the following topics: university-industry interaction, innovation funding, national innovation system, ST&I indicators. She holds a degree in Economics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2000), a Master’s degree (2004) and a PhD (2010) in Economics of Industry and Technology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Nowadays she is a professor at FACE / UFMG and researcher at CEDEPLAR/UFMG and also colaborates as a professor of the Professional Master’s Degree in Technological Innovation and Intellectual Property and the PhD in Technological and Biopharmaceutical Innovation.

Paola Schaeffer
Paola holds a PhD in Science and Technology Policy from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), and a Master in Business Management (2015) with emphasizes in Innovation, Technology and Sustainability from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. In addition, she has a bachelor degree in Business Management (2013) from Unisinos University. Her fields of research are university-industry interaction, firm innovation capabilities, management of innovation and knowledge intensive entrepreneurship.

Paulo Antônio Zawislak
Graduated in Economics (1988) by the Faculty of Economics Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), has masters degree (DEA – 1991) and doctorate (1994) in Economics by University of Paris 7. Full Professor of the Administrative Sciences Department and the Administration Post-Graduation Program (PPGA) of the School of Management (EA) of UFRGS. Researcher of CNPq. Since 2010, coordinates the Innovation Research Center (NITEC) with research projects connected to economics of technology and innovation management in companies, industry chains and corporate networks. Currently coordinates the PRONEX project “Paths of Innovation in the Brazilian Industry” (CNPq-FAPERGS). Chair of the 22º International Conference on Management of Technology, which took part in April 2013. Coordinated the study group of the Technological Platform of Automotive Chain of RS (CARS Project). Besides doing education and research activities in national and international universities, attends to different experiences of intervention (lectures, workshops, coaching and consulting) with public and private organizations. In 2003, was awarded by the Research Encouragement Foundation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul as Highlighted Researcher in Technology. Published and presented more than 170 articles in magazines and national and international congresses.

Paulo Henrique Assis Feitosa
Paulo has a PhD in Economics at the Economics Institute at University of Campinas. He had been a Visiting Research Scholar at the SPRU – Science Policy Research Unit at University of Sussex (UK) under the supervision of Professor Pari Patel. Paulo has accumulated twelve years of experience on innovation research and consulting in the public and private sectors. His PhD thesis focuses on diversification and technological search in climate change mitigation technologies. His research and professional interests are: Diversification, technology search, priority setting and decision making under uncertainty. At InSySPo, Paulo is a Postdoctoral researcher on Evaluation of Research and Development and Innovation (R&D&I) Programs.

Renato Garcia
Assistant Professor at Institute of Economics (University of Campinas)
Professor Renato Garcia received his BA in Economics from State University of Sao Paulo, his MA and his Ph.D. in Economics from University of Campinas. He was Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic Scholl of the University of Sao Paulo during the period 2002-2014. Currently, he offers graduate courses on industrial policy and economic development at University of Campinas. He is deputy-editor of the Brazilian Journal of Innovation. He coordinates a research project on the subject of Geography of Innovation. He specializes in Economics of Innovation and his main research interests are geography of innovation, industrial clusters, evolutionary economic geography, university-industry linkages and industrial policy.

Vinicius Muraro
Vinicius Muraro has a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Policy at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) and works as Ph.D. Researcher at LabGEOPI, also at Unicamp. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Unicamp, with academic experience in Chile (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), China (Peking University and Beijing Jiaotong University) and France (Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble). He has 8 years of professional experience in innovation consulting, focusing on impact evaluation and technology foresight for large Brazilian companies and research institutes. His research interests are innovation management, foresight for science, technology and innovation, Big Data, Machine Learning, and quantitative methods.