Associate Investigators
Adriana Bin
Assistant professor at the School of Applied Sciences (FCA), University of Campinas (UNICAMP), since 2009. She holds a bachelor degree in Food Engineering (2000) and has a Master (2004) and PhD (2008) in Science and Technology Policy. She is Associate Coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies on the Organization of Research and Innovation (GEOPI) at Unicamp. Adriana has over ten years of experience in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) management, participating in research and hands-on projects. She spent ten months as an Academic Visitor at Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR), from September 2013 to July 2014. Adriana’s main research interests are: – Evaluation in STI (conceptual and methodological issues) – STI management (prospective studies, planning and decision-making) – Public Research Organizations – PRO (roles within NIS, governance, managerial and institutional models) Her early research (PhD) was focused in the specificities of strategic planning of research and innovation activities. The research was based on multiple experiences of supporting strategic planning processes of some of the most important Brazilian Public Research Organizations-Aerospace Technology and Science Department (DCTA), National Institute For Space Research (INPE), Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) – and also companies from different industrial sectors. Additionally, she has been working with evaluation in STI, both from the conceptual and methodological perspectives. She was recently involved in the evaluation of FAPESP’s scholarship programs (scientific initiation, master and PhD scholarships) and is actually involved in the design of a systematic and integrated evaluation model for the Brazilian Innovation Agency – FINEP.
André Cherubini Alves
Doctor in Business Administration focused on Management of Technology and Innovation and Master in Operations and Technology Management by PPGA/UFRGS. Associate investigator at the Innovation Research Center (NITEC-UFRGS) and Innovation Systems, Strategy and Policy (InSySPo), Department of Science and Technology Policy at UNICAMP. Professor of Innovation and Strategy at the Sao Paulo School of Business Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Researcher at FGV Innovation Center. André has been a visiting Researcher at the Institute for Business Innovation at the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley. Director at the Silicon Valley Institute for Business Innovation. André has also worked with consultancy projects on Innovation, Strategic Management and Lean production systems. His areas of interest are theory of the firm and innovation capabilities, industrial organization dynamics and innovation ecosystems, knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship and lean innovation systems.
Bruno Brandão Fischer
I am Assistant professor at the School of Applied Sciences (FCA), University of Campinas (UNICAMP). I have a PhD in Economics and Innovation Management (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain). I also have a MSc in Economics and Innovation Management (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain) and another one in Agribusiness (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). My undergraduate studies were in the field of Business Administration with an emphasis in Foreign Trade. Besides my current academic position, I am also involved with the Peruvian Institute of Competitiveness (INSPERCOM) as an associate researcher.
Franco Malerba
Full Professor of Applied Economics. President of ICRIOS, Bocconi University. Editor of the Journal Industrial and Corporate Change. Advisory editor of Research Policy. Associate editor of the Journal of Evolutionary Economics. He has been President of EARIE (European Association of Research in Industrial Economics) and of the International Schumpeter Society. He has been in the Advisory Board of Max Planck Institute of Economics-Jena; SPRU- Sussex University; CRIC- Manchester University; EU High-Level Panels for “New Innovation Indicators for Europe” and for “A New European Innovation Policy”. He has been a visiting scholar at the Department of Economics, CEPR and SIEPR, Stanford University; Max Plank Institute-Jena; University of Queensland; University of Stellenbosch and Louis Pasteur University- Strasbourg. Winner of the Schumpeter Prize in 2012.
Research Areas: Innovation and technological change. Industrial dynamics and sectoral evolution. Entrepreneurship. Industrial organization. Economic development and catch-up. Industrial, scientific and technological policies. Industrial dynamics.
Luciano Antonio Digiampietri
Associate professor at University of São Paulo, Brazil. Luciano has a PhD degree in Computer Science, at the University of Campinas (Brazil). I did two three months international internships at Microsoft Research on the Technical Computing and Database groups. I also participated in a project, held in conjunction with the Brazilian Revenue, to detect suspicious customs operations. Nowadays, I work with management of scientific experiments, social network analyses, recommender systems, entity resolution, and bioinformatics.
Otaviano Canuto
Otaviano Canuto, Principal of the Center for Macroeconomics and Development, is a well-respected researcher, thought leader and published author in economics with experience of managing knowledge networks and providing strategic advice to senior management of multilateral institutions, governments and private investors. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and a nonresident senior fellow at Brookings Institution.
His experience includes 15 years as Vice President, Executive Director or Senior Adviser in multilateral institutions (World Bank, International Monetary Fund – IMF, and Inter-American Development Bank – IDB).
During his tenure as Vice President of the World Bank and responsible for the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PREM) network, he led 700+ technical staff in building bridges between applied research, operational work and policy advice to clients.
As a Vice President of the IDB, he was responsible for client management and relationships with member governments. As an Executive Director of the IMF and of the World Bank, he overviewed operations and policies implemented by both institutions. Mr. Canuto’s long experience includes a period as deputy minister for international affairs in Brazil’s Ministry of Finance and as a professor of economics.
He is recognized as a result-driven leader of teams dealing with complex policy issues and integrating research results into programs/projects. Consistently acknowledged for a deep understanding of economic trends of the global economy and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Robbert Fisher
Robbert Fisher is Managing Director Joint Institute for Innovation Research (Belgium)
Robert Tijssen
Robert Tijssen holds the Chair of Science and Innovation Studies. He coordinates the Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (STIS) research program at CWTS.
Robert is affiliated to the African Studies Centre at Leiden University and he is a project leader at the LDE Center for Frugal Innovation in Africa. His ties to Africa include a professorship at Stellenbosch University (South Africa), and board membership of South Africa’s DST-NRF Center of Excellence in Scientometrics and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy.
He is also an international research partner and co-investigator at the Centre for Global Higher Education (United Kingdom).
His scholarly interests and research activities focus on various topics within science and innovation studies, as well as related issues in the area of higher education studies. Most of his academic studies within this ‘knowledge triangle’ tend to be empirical and quantitative.
The current research portfolio includes work on research cooperation, world university rankings, university-industry interactions, socioeconomic impacts of science, but also region-specific topics such as university-developed inclusive innovations in Africa, research excellence in the Global South, and China’s New Silk Road Initiative.
Robert is the CWTS project manager of U-Multirank, an open source information platform on the performance of higher education institutions across the globe.
Robert’s activities extend into science policy and research management. Most of his advisory and consultancy portfolio relates to monitoring and evaluation of university R&D performance, with a strong focus on the development and application of analytical tools and indicators in the context of quality assurance systems, reward and incentive systems, knowledge transfer mechanisms, and commercialization of university research. The work includes indicator-based assessments of research programs, and developing evaluation systems of regional innovation impact by universities.
Google Scholar Citations provides an overview of his academic research output and scholarly impact, comprising more than 150 publications with a total of some 6 000 citations.
Roberto Marcondes Cesar Junior
Roberto is a professor of the University of Sao Paulo (USP) since 1998 (BSc in Computer Science – UNESP – 1991; MSc in Electrical Engineering -UNICAMP – 1993; Ph.D. in Physics – USP/Brazil,IPT-UCL/Belgium – 1997). He is currently a Full-Professor in the Department of Computer Science – IME – USP working in the Data Science Research Group. He is currently special advisor for Physical Sciences and Engineering at the Sao Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP. He served as the Director of the eScience Research Center at USP and as the head of the Computer Science Department. He was member of the Image and Vision Computing and the Signal, Image and Video Processing editorial boards, chair and invited speaker of conferences and workshops (Sibgrapi 2003, CIARP 2010, Sibgrapi 2011; SHAPES 2.0 – 2012, eSon – IEEE eScience 2013, IEEE eScience 2014). He has experience in computer science, with emphasis on computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Wolfgang Polt
Wolfgang Polt finished his studies in Economics at the University of Vienna in 1985. From 1985 to 1992 he worked as a researcher at the Instiute for Socio-Economic Research and technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. From 1992 to 1999 he was at the Department of Technology Studies of the Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf. From 1996 to 1998 he held a post as full time consultant to the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry/Division for Science and Technology Policy of the Organisation fo Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris.
From February 2000 to June 2010 Wolfgang Polt has been heading the Viennese Office of the Centre for Economic and Innovation Research of JOANNEUM RESEARCH as well as company officer with statutory authority since 2006. Since July 2011 Wolfgang Polt is Director of POLICIES – Centre for Economic and Innovation Research of JOANNEUM RESEARCH.