Co-Principal Investigators

André Tosi Furtado
Professor at DPCT – UNICAMP | Brazil
Prof. André Tosi Furtado received his BA, Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Paris I. He is currently Professor of the Department of Technological and Scientific Politics of the Institute of Geosciences of Unicamp. Prof. Furtado works in the fields of energy and innovation economy. He has published papers on the evaluation of great Brazilian technological programs, with special highlight to Petrobras’ deep-water and the China-Brazil Earth-Resources Satellite programs. Prof. Furtado carried out studies about innovation in sectors such as oil, aerospace and sugarcane. He also developed research on science, technology and innovation indicators applied to the industrial sector of São Paulo and Brazil. He participated several times on the elaboration of Fapesp’s CT&I indicators.

Rodrigo Costas
Dr. Rodrigo Costas is an experienced researcher in the field of information science and bibliometrics. With a PhD in Library and Information Science obtained at the CSIC in Spain, Rodrigo has been working at CWTS (Leiden University, the Netherlands) since 2009. At CWTS Rodrigo also coordinates several projects for different scientific organisations worldwide.
His lines of research cover a broad scope of topics, including the development of new bibliometric tools and indicators as well as tools for the study of research activities based on quantitative data, having a particular focus on the analysis of individual scholars through bibliometric methodologies. Rodrigo has recently started some novel research lines at CWTS including the study of ‘altmetrics’ and the possibilities of funding acknowledgments in order to expand the analytical possibilities of scientometrics.
Check his interview with InSysPo: “Science in times of Covid-19: a conversation with Rodrigo Costas”

Ron Boschma
Professor at Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht (URU)
Ron Boschma is a Professor of Regional Economics at Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht (URU). He has been member of the Research, Innovation and Science Experts (RISE) High-Level Advisory Body to European Commissioner Carlos Moedas in 2015-2016. Since 2015, Boschma is Board member of the International Regional Studies Association. Professor Boschma was ranked by Thomson Reuters among the top 1% of cited researchers worldwide in 2014, 2015 and 2016. In 2013, Ron Boschma received a Honorary Doctorate in the Natural Sciences from Marburg University in Germany. He is member of Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities since 2009 and fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences since 2012. Boschma’s main research interests are: evolutionary economic geography, spatial evolution of industries, geography of innovation, proximity and relatedness, structure and evolution of spatial networks, agglomeration externalities and regional growth, and regional diversification. He holds a Ph.D in Economics from Tinbergen Institute (NLD).

Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho
Professor at DPCT – UNICAMP | Brazil
Sergio Salles-Filho got his PhD in Economics and is presently full Professor at the Department of Scence and Technology Policy, Institute of Geosciences at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
He served as head of Operational Planning at the Brazilian Innovation Agency (FINEP) from 2001-2003, and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Unicamp from 2010 to 2013.
During 2013 and 2014 he spent a period as visiting researcher at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research. He is currently Dean of the Institute of Geosciences, and coordinator of Program Evaluation at the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
His themes of research include economics, planning and management of science, technology and innovation, impact evaluation and foresight studies. He has authored more than 110 publications in journals, books and book chapters, having supervised around 50 students at master’s and doctoral level. He coordinated more than 50 research and extension projects throughout his academic career. Among them, hands-on projects to support strategic planning of public and private research organizations. He also coordinated several projects of impact evaluation of policies and programs in Brazil and other Latin American countries.

Sérgio Robles Reis de Queiroz
Professor at DPCT – UNICAMP | Brazil
Sergio Queiroz has an extensive researching, teaching and administrative experience either at University as at Government sector. He was Deputy Secretary at the Secretariat for Science, Technology and Economic Development, and Coordinator for Science and Technology at the Secretariat for Development in the São Paulo State Government. At UNICAMP he is responsible for undergraduate and postgraduate disciplines and for supervision of master and doctoral students (sixteen master dissertations and five doctoral theses concluded). He is author and co-author of several books, articles and research reports. He participated in numerous administrative positions, including head of Department for three terms. He is reviewer of journals such as Research Policy, World Development, and Science and Public Policy – of which he is member of the editorial board.
Dr. Queiroz research interests are: learning processes; development of technological capabilities in several industrial sectors; globalization of technology and innovation processes; Foreign Direct Investment in R&D; university-industry partnerships and entrepreneurship. His work has systematically being headed to the role of STI in economic development in less developed countries. Professor Queiroz has experience on international cooperation: he was Visiting Research Fellow at the Science and Policy Research Unity (SPRU) in the UK, and presently coordinates a long term cooperation with the George Washington University in the field of STI in the processes of economic development.