Visiting Scholars

Yannis Caloghirou
Yannis D. Caloghirou is Professor of Economics of Technology and Industrial Strategy, Director of the Laboratory of Industrial and Energy Economics and Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit at the National Technical University of Athens. He has a joint background in engineering (Chemical Engineering, NTUA) and economics (University of Athens), and he holds an M.Sc. in Plant Design (University of Strathclyde) and a Ph.D. in Industrial Economics (NTUA). He has been visiting scholar at SPRU (University of Sussex) and the Center for International Science and Technology Policy (GWU). He acted as the scientific coordinator of many EU-funded and national research projects in the broader field of socioeconomic research related to technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, industry, ICT and the knowledge economy. He has served in top policy-making positions in Greece among them as Secretary General for Industry and as Secretary for the Information Society. He has sat in a number of EU high- level expert and policy groups, and he was co-Rapporteur of the EU High-Level Policy group on the Socio-Economic Benefits of the European Research Area. He was also member of the Governing Board of the European Network of Excellence DIME (Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe). He was the Chairman of the 15th International Globelics Conference on Innovation and Development in Athens. Moreover, he has extensive work experience in industry and in policy advisory, design and evaluation. He has written extensively on topics related to his research in scholarly journals, edited books and the popular and business press. In particular, he is co-editor of three books on European Collaboration in Research and Development (ELGAR, 2004), Knowledge Flows in European Industry (Routledge, 2006), and Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship (Routledge, 2016).