InSysPo offers several FAPESP Direct Doctoral fellowships linked to Research Projects. These are full-time positions for the duration of three years. InSysPo aims at creating research excellence on innovation policy and innovation policy research at the University of Campinas and internationalizing the already significant work at DPCT. It has four Research Trajectories (RT) derived from the central axis “System Innovation”:
RT1. Technology Upgrading, Catching-up
RT2. Policy Design, Implementation, Evaluation
RT3. Ecosystems for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
RT4. Big Data for Assessing Innovation Processes and R&I Policy
For further information about InSySPo research interests check the tag ABOUT.
Doctoral and post-doctoral training is a core part of the programme. All these positions are international aiming at attracting to UNICAMP strong talent from all over Brazil and abroad. The programme promotes academic research, publications in refereed journals and books, grant and contract work, executive training, seminars and workshops, and public engagement in the form of advising to both governments and the private sector thus extending the already significant engagement of UNICAMP with both sectors.
The core faculty of InSysPo are:
- Professor Nicholas S. Vonortas, responsible for all aspects of the program.
- Professor Andre Tosi Furtado, DPCT, UNICAMP, leading co-PI RT1
- Professor Sérgio Luiz Monteiro Salles Filho, Chair of DPCT and Director of IG, UNICAMP, leading co-PI RT2
- Professor Sérgio Robles Reis de Queiroz, DPCT, UNICAMP, leading co-PI RT3
- Professor Ron Boschma, Economic Geography, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University (Netherlands), co-PI RT1 & RT3
- Dr. Rodrigo Costas, Centre for Science and Technology Studies, University of Leiden (Netherlands), co-PI RT4
And our Associate Investigators (AIs) are:
- Professor Roberto Marcondes Cesar Junior, Institute of Mathematics, University of São Paulo (USP), RT4
- Professor Robert Tijssen, Chair of Science and Innovation Studies, University of Leiden (Netherlands), RT1 & RT3
- Professor Franco Malerba, Bocconi University (Italy), RT18
- Professor Luciano Antonio Digiampietri, School of Arts, Science and Humanities, University of São Paulo (USP), RT4
- Professor Adriana Bin, School of Applied Science, UNICAMP, RT2
- Professor Bruno Brandão Fischer, School of Applied Science, UNICAMP, RT3
- Professor Andre Cherubini Alves, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), RT3
- Dr. Otaviano Canuto, Center for Macroeconomics and Development LLP, formerly Executive Board of Directors, World Bank (USA), RT1
- Mr. Wolfgang Polt, Director Centre for Economic and Innovation Research, Joanneum Research Ldt. (Austria), RT2
- Mr. Robbert Fisher, Managing Director Joint Institute for Innovation Research (Belgium), RT1 & RT3.
The doctoral candidates will conduct research in one of the four areas of concentration of the SPEC programme under the supervision of one or more of the core faculty mentioned above. Duties include carrying out research, theory development, data collection and analysis, authoring papers and reports, publishing in the peer-reviewed literature, development of new research grants and contracts, and participating in seminars and work groups. They also include assistance in organizing the annual international workshop and the bi-annual international conference.
Successful applicants will have background in economics, sociology, business management, public administration, or other relevant subject areas (also including the natural sciences). Prior exposure to the socio-economic aspects of technological advancement and innovation and in STI policy is a plus. Candidates must be inclined to take individual initiative in research and strong analytical skills.
Criterias for Application
There are two ways to be eligible to FAPESP Direct PhD scholarship: graduated student or master’s student. Candidates must meet the listed criteria below:
1) Graduated Candidates
FAPESP Direct PhD scholarship prioritizes candidates who have recently completed the graduation within the normal period of its duration with excellent academic records and preferably successful stage of scientific research.
Applicants for SPEC grants must have a background in economics, sociology, business management, public administration or other relevant area (also including natural sciences), with a strong interest in science, technology and innovation policies, in addition to a predisposition to interdisciplinary work. Previous knowledge about socioeconomic aspects of technological advancement and R&I policy is desirable. Candidates should be inclined to take individual initiative in research and possess strong analytical skills. Scholarship values are defined according to FAPESP standards.
Candidates interested in SPEC/DPCT Direct Doctoral fellowships are encouraged to get in contact with InSysPo members to obtain more information about the SPEC project. Questions about the scope of the project can be directed to Professor Vonortas by e-mail ( Doubts about the Direct Doctoral fellowships should be sent to Professor Sérgio Queiroz (
InSySPo and UNICAMP Science and Technology Policy Graduation Program have established a partnership to receive candidates interested in applying for InSySPo fellowship. Thus, for those candidates interested in this renowned graduation program (Grade at CAPES: 6 – from maximum 7), the call for graduation application will behold requirements for InSySPo candidates. Prospective applicants should check the Open Call for more information on the requirements, including the application form, English proficiency levels, and required documentation. The deadline for applications is 30 November 2020.
2) Master’s Student from the Science and Technology Policy Program (Unicamp)
Master’s students from the STP Program (Unicamp) are eligible, but before the qualification process.
In that case, application includes:
- a doctorate proposal written in English aligned to InSySPo 4 research areas following the FAPESP model of no more than 20 pages containing: abstract (maximum of 20 lines), introduction and justification, with a synthesis of the fundamental literature, objectives, research plan and time schedule, methods and analytical framework
- TOEFL proficiency (550 paper based) or equivalent
This kind of application is available any time of the year.
We strongly recommend contacting InSySPo team before the application.
The remuneration package is set in accordance with FAPESP’s standards.
Interested parties are encouraged to communicate with the program and participating faculty and scientists for more information. Professor Vonortas can be reached by email ( or telephone at +1-202-378-6230.
DPCT is located on the main campus of UNICAMP in the surroundings of the city of Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Campinas is about 100 kilometers northwest of São Paulo, Brazil’s largest city.