ISSN 1980-4407
Volume 14, n2
Volume 14, n1
Volume 12, n3
Volume 10, n2
Volume 8, n2
Bibliographic review of articles on pedagogical practice of environmental education in schools
Pitt de Mello
UNICAMP/Programa Ensino e História de Ciências da Terra -
Rebeca C.A. Fernandes
UNICAMP / Instituto de Geociências -
Abstract:This article aims to identify pedagogical practices in the area of Environmental Education (EA) developed in Elementary Schools. We have carried out a bibliographical research of articles published in the last five years in national and international journals. Eight journals were consulted, one of them referring to Geosciences Teaching, four of them referring to Science Teaching and three specifically about Environmental Education taking all the numbers published between 2013 and 2017. In those journals, thirteen articles were selected that presented some relation to our research focus, and these were described and characterized in relation to the School Level, Thematic Area, Methodological Approach and Macro tendency of Environmental Education. In the set of papers analyzed, there was a predominance of papers focused on the Elementary Education Level, for the Thematic Area of Environmental Education and Pragmatic macro tendency. In relation to the Methodological Approach, we identified works on environmental conceptions, proposing seminars on sustainability, analysis of pedagogical practices in Environmental Education, among others. We have identified that although there are many studies focusing on Environmental Education in schools, none of them are concerned with the proposals of Government Organizations for Environmental Education in Environmental Education, the focus of our Master’s research, which justifies its development.
Keywords: Environmental Education; Pedagogical practices; Elementary School
Copyright © 2005-2007 - Instituto de Geociências - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP - Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados -