ISSN 1980-4407
Volume 14, n2
Volume 14, n1
Volume 12, n3
Volume 10, n2
Volume 8, n2
Geoparks: from conception to the teaching of Geosciences
Alexandre Fornaro
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso do Sul
Post-Graduate Program in Teaching and History of Earth Sciences, UNICAMP, Brazil
Alexandre M. Fernandes
Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences, Paulista State University, Rio Claro, Brazil
Abstract: The society of the 21st century is permeated by advances and diffusion of technologies that generate a way of life highly dependent on natural resources. This dependence requires a deep awareness of the importance of geodiversity and the education of the new generations and this is the way by which it will be possible to guarantee sustainable development. Geoparks are a new form of territorial management, whose characteristics are economic and social development based on the preservation and enhancement of geological and cultural heritage. This paper presents a discussion that involves this aspect in the relationship between geoparks and Geosciences teaching, divided into three parts: a discussion about the meaning of geoparks, followed by an analysis of the relationship between field work and geoscience teaching, and finally , it should be highlighted that geoparks can be excellent areas for field activities, which are essential to strengthen the understanding of geodiversity components and processes, without which the sensitization and perception of geoscientific concepts are limited. Geoparks can meet the demands of these areas for the teaching of geosciences in basic education.
Keywords:Education, fieldwork, geosciences teaching.
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