
ISSN 1980-4407



Volume 14, n4

Volume 14, n3

Volume 14, n2

Volume 14, n1

Volume 13, n3

Volume 13, n2132

Volume 13, n1td13-1

Volume 12, n3td123

Volume 12, n2C122

Volume 12, n1td121g

Volume 11, n3c113

Volume 11, n2112g

Volume 11, n111-1

Volume 10, n3v103g

Volume 10, n2TD10-2

Volume 10, n1V_10_1G

Volume 9, n2v92g

Volume 9, n1

Volume 8, n2v82

Volume 8, n1t81g

Volume 7, n2

Volume 7, n1

Volume 6, n2

Volume 6, n1

Volume 5

Volume 4

Volume 3

Volume 2

Volume 1


Por que Ensinar Tempo Geológico na Educação Básica?

Versão integral PDF

Rafaela Santos Chaves
Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino, Filosofia e História das Ciências da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA. -

Simone Souza de Moraes
Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA. -

Rejâne Maria Lira-da-Silva
Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA. -

Abstract: Geological time is one of the most important notions of scientific thought, and is essential in decision making regarding socially-responsible natural resource utilization and environmental change, and is also fundamental to the comprehension of Evolution. Building this notion involved the acceptance of new ideas throughout Geology’s timeline, thus, we defend that its complexity is due to its historical development, in which several different fields of study needed to be brought together. This review work shows that some of the difficulties found in comprehending Geological Time in schools are: high degree of abstraction, interpretation of huge numbers, dimensions and events far removed from human experience, and religious conflicts that interfere with the acceptance of a very old Earth. Proposals to overcome these difficulties are: using analogies, working on activities involving a dynamic view of the planet and its geological processes, introducing the history of geosciences, and employing historical narratives. Thus, it is essential to develop investigations on the teaching of Geological Time in Brazil, and to carefully consider the training of teachers.

Keywords: Deep time, Geoscience, Education, Science Education.

Doi: 10.20396/td.v14i3.8652309


Copyright © 2005-2007 - Instituto de Geociências - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP - Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados -
