
ISSN 1980-4407



Volume 14, n4

Volume 14, n3

Volume 14, n2

Volume 14, n1

Volume 13, n3

Volume 13, n2132

Volume 13, n1td13-1

Volume 12, n3td123

Volume 12, n2C122

Volume 12, n1td121g

Volume 11, n3c113

Volume 11, n2112g

Volume 11, n111-1

Volume 10, n3v103g

Volume 10, n2TD10-2

Volume 10, n1V_10_1G

Volume 9, n2v92g

Volume 9, n1

Volume 8, n2v82

Volume 8, n1t81g

Volume 7, n2

Volume 7, n1

Volume 6, n2

Volume 6, n1

Volume 5

Volume 4

Volume 3

Volume 2

Volume 1


Development of didactic materials and activities on interdisciplinary bases: an example for oil and gas

Versão integral PDF

José sellés-martínez
Dpto. de Ciencias Geológicas, Fac. de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Pabellón 2, Ciudad Universitaria, 1428, Buenos Aires, Argentina -

Abstract: Although the subject “Oil and Gas” is not usually present in the Secondary School Curriculum, it is of interest to students due to its obvious relationships with everyday life, and has been selected to design a series of teaching resources. Not only natural sciences such as Geology, Biology and Chemistry are embedded in the formation and accumulation of petroleum, but also constant references to History, Geography and Technology are present when linking together its discovery, exploitation, industrialization and use. The materials being produced cover three categories: a reference text to be available in printed and PDF file versions, a portfolio of teaching resources and a website. The first two are described and exemplified. The portfolio also includes examples of published materials, which contain conceptual errors proposing their use to explore misconceptions if used at the beginning of the presentation of the subject in class, or to identify levels of understanding if used at the end.

Keywords: Petroleum Geology, Chemistry, Interdisciplinary, Misconceptions

Doi: 10.20396/td.v14i3.8653523


Copyright © 2005-2007 - Instituto de Geociências - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP - Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados -
