
ISSN 1980-4407



Volume 14, n4

Volume 14, n3

Volume 14, n2

Volume 14, n1

Volume 13, n3

Volume 13, n2132

Volume 13, n1td13-1

Volume 12, n3td123

Volume 12, n2c122

Volume 12, n1td121g

Volume 11, n3c113

Volume 11, n2112g

Volume 11, n111-1

Volume10, n3V103g

Volume 10, n210-2

Volume 10, n1V10_1G

Volume 9, n2v92g

Volume 9, n1td91


Volume 8, n2

Volume 8, n1


Volume 7, n2

Volume 7, n1


Volume 6, n2

Volume 6, n1

Volume 5

Volume 4

Volume 3

Volume 2

Volume 1



Volume 14, n3


Trabalhos selecionados de VIII GeoSciEd 2018 /
VIII EnsinoGEO-2018


Disposição geológica de rejeitos radioativos no Brasil: diretrizes de proteção radiológica, requisitos e avaliação de segurança
Paulo Fernando Lavalle Heilbron Filho, Corbiniano Silva, Rex Nazaré Alves, Ana Maria Xavier, Mônica Pereira Lavalle Heilbron e Claudio de Morisson Valeriano

Nuclídeos cosmogênicos: uma análise
sobre um século de pesquisa em geociências

Cristiane Heredia Gomes, Diogo Gabriel Sperandio
e Rafael Lima Dessart

Sobre o uso dos termos geocronológicos e cronoestratigráficos
Mitsuru Arai, Pércio de Moraes Branco

Contribuições da educação não formal no aprendizado sobre Geodiversidade: Projeto Geodiversidade na Educação
Carla Silvia Pimentel, Antonio Liccardo, Kleverson Gonçalves Maieski, Camila Priotto Mendes

Por que Ensinar Tempo Geológico na Educação Básica?
Rafaela Santos Chaves, Simone Souza de Moraes, Rejâne Maria Lira-da-Silva

Experiência interdisciplinar na Educação Básica e na formação de professores: Artes, Biologia e Geociências
Sarah Gonçalves Duarte, Claudia Maria Magalhães Ribeiro Martins, Luana Graziella Bandeira, Lucio Caetano Carramillo, Marcos Pereira Gervásio, Maria Dolores Wanderley

Development of didactic materials and activities on interdisciplinary bases: an example for oil and gas
José sellés-martínez

Earthlearningidea: promoting deep questioning
in lab and field

Chris King, Peter Kennett, Elizabeth Devon

How museums, teacher educators, and schools innovate and collaborate to learn and teach Geosciences to everyone
Maritza Macdonald, David Silvernail, Natasha Cooke-Nieves, Sharon Locke, Aline Fabris, Nakita Van Biene, Michael J. Passow

The value of urban trails, statuary and installations for Geoscience Education – uses and abuses from the north
of England and further afield

Phillip J. Murphy, Elizabeth Murphy

Connecting formal and informal learning to enhance elementary teacher preparation in Geosciences
Sharon L. Locke, Georgia Bracey, Tom Foster, Shawn Fraine, Shunfu hu, Katie lacombe, Colin Wilson

Dichotomous options in Earth Sciences Education: brief reflection
Paulo C. Soares

Earth history and evolution of life in the high school curriculum of the state of São Paulo
C. P. Scott-Santos, J. M. Piranha

Bibliographic review of articles on pedagogical practice of environmental education in schools
Pitt de Mello, Rebeca C.A. Fernandes

School education for disaster risk reduction in Japan after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (GEGET)
T. Fujioka, Y. Sakakibara

Geosciences in professional education: a comparative study between Brazil and Portugal
Gleise R. Bertolazi dos Santos, Celso Dal Ré Carneiro, Jorge Bonito

Initial knowledge of college-level introductory geology students in the United States
Steven W. Anderson & Amanda Manzanares

Geoparks: from conception to the teaching of Geosciences
Alexandre Fornaro, Alexandre M. Fernandes

Addressing the gap between school and university in South Africa: exposing grade 11 learners to the integrated and applied nature of science and commerce using Geoscience examples
G.R Drennan, S. Benvenuti, M. Evans





Proceedings / selected papers

The 2018 September and December issues of Terræ Didatica include selected full papers from the two conferences held at Unicamp Convention Center, 22nd-27th July, 2018. The March, 2019 issue (v.15, n.1) will publish the last selected papers from the conferences. The proceedings can be freely accessed and downloaded using the links:


VIII GeoSciEd 2018 – 8th Quadrennial Conference of the
International Geoscience Education Organisation (IGEO)
– Geosciences for Everyone –

EnsinoGEO 2018


VIII Simpósio Nacional de Ensino e História de
Ciências da Terra / EnsinoGEO-2018
– Geociências para Todos –


Call for papers

Autores e colaboradores: Chamada de trabalhos para o Volume 15, número 2, julho 2019.
Authors / collaborators: Call for papers, Volume 15, number 2, July 2019.

·  Acesso a Terræ Didatica no Portal de Periódicos Eletrônicos Científicos (Unicamp)




Copyright © 2005-2007 - Instituto de Geociências - Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP - Brasil - Todos os direitos reservados -
